Tematy do opracowania na forum EduPlus



else 1 4J
foreign 1 4J
if 1 4J
load 1 4J
varying 1 4J
end 2 4J
freetext 2 4J
in 2 4J
match 2 4J
super 2 4J
errlvl 3 4J
freetexttable 3 4J
index 3 4J
matched 3 4J
truncate 3 4J
escape 4 4J
from 4 4J
inner 4 4J
merge 4 4J
when 4 4J
except 5 4J
full 5 4J
insert 5 4J
natural 5 4J
max() 5 4J
exec 6 4J
function 6 4J
intersect 6 4J
national 6 4J
union 6 4J
execute 7 4J
goto 7 4J
into 7 4J
nocheck 7 4J
with 7 4J
exists 8 4J
grant 8 4J
is 8 4J
nonclustered 8 4J
concat() 8 4J
exit 9 4J
group 9 4J
join 9 4J
nocycle 9 4J
update 9 4J
fetch 10 4J
having 10 4J
key 10 4J
not 10 4J
xml 10 4J
file 11 4J
holdlock 11 4J
kill 11 4J
null 11 4J
abs() 11 4J
fillfactor 12 4J
identity 12 4J
left 12 4J
nullif 12 4J
user 12 4J
following 13 4J
identitycol 13 4J
like 13 4J
of 13 4J
month() 13 4J
for 14 4J
identity_insert 14 4J
lineno 14 4J
off 14 4J
log() 14 4J
offsets 1 4L
pivot 1 4L
replication 1 4L
session_user 1 4L
lock 1 4L
on 2 4L
plan 2 4L
restore 2 4L
set 2 4L
trigger 2 4L
open 3 4L
preceding 3 4L
restrict 3 4L
setuser 3 4L
waitfor 3 4L
opendatasource 4 4L
precision 4 4L
return 4 4L
shutdown 4 4L
reload 4 4L
openquery 5 4L
primary 5 4L
revoke 5 4L
some 5 4L
unbounded 5 4L
openrowset 6 4L
print 6 4L
right 6 4L
start 6 4L
while 6 4L
openxml 7 4L
proc 7 4L
rollback 7 4L
statistics 7 4L
AVG() 7 4L
option 8 4L
procedure 8 4L
rowcount 8 4L
system_user 8 4L
unpivot 8 4L
or 9 4L
public 9 4L
rowguidcol 9 4L
table 9 4L
writetext 9 4L
order 10 4L
raiserror 10 4L
rows? 10 4L
textsize 10 4L
sqrt() 10 4L
outer 11 4L
read 11 4L
rule 11 4L
then 11 4L
use 11 4L
over 12 4L
readtext 12 4L
save 12 4L
to 12 4L
year() 12 4L
partition 13 4L
reconfigure 13 4L
schema 13 4L
top 13 4L
format() 13 4L
percent 14 4L
references 14 4L
select 14 4L
tran 14 4L
values 14 4L
add 1 4M
bulk 1 4M
constraint 1 4M
dbcc 1 4M
transaction 1 4M
all 2 4M
by 2 4M
contains 2 4M
deallocate 2 4M
view 2 4M
alter 3 4M
cascade 3 4M
containstable 3 4M
declare 3 4M
flush 3 4M
and 4 4M
case 4 4M
continue 4 4M
default 4 4M
tsequal 4 4M
any 5 4M
check 5 4M
convert 5 4M
delete 5 4M
where 5 4M
apply 6 4M
checkpoint 6 4M
create 6 4M
deny 6 4M
min() 6 4M
as 7 4M
close 7 4M
cross 7 4M
desc 7 4M
unique 7 4M
asc 8 4M
clustered 8 4M
current 8 4M
disk 8 4M
within 8 4M
authorization 9 4M
coalesce 9 4M
current_date 9 4M
distinct 9 4M
rand() 9 4M
backup 10 4M
collate 10 4M
current_time 10 4M
distributed 10 4M
updatetext 10 4M
begin 11 4M
column 11 4M
current_timestamp 11 4M
double 11 4M
date() 11 4M
between 12 4M
commit 12 4M
current_user 12 4M
drop 12 4M
conv() 12 4M
break 13 4M
compute 13 4M
cursor 13 4M
dummy 13 4M
using 13 4M
browse 14 4M
connect 14 4M
database 14 4M
dump 14 4M
day() 14 4M
